Saturday, November 19, 2016

Travel Diaries: Kyoto, Japan

This blog post's long overdue! Trivia: I didn't know that I actually finished writing the whole post last year. Lol stupid me! 

  Anyway, I've been in Japan for almost four years now but I hardly get the chance to travel & explore. Aside from my age, I have an overprotective mama. LOL! But, thanks to the school trips! I got to see Temples in Kyoto and Nara. (This post does not include the Nara one though, sorry.)

I had this school trip on my last year at Junior High so that's a year ago.

Here's a bit of the tiring yet fun trip.

This is the Deva Gate is a front gate in Kiyomizu Temple. Rebuilt at the end of 15th century. Called as "Red gate"