Monday, October 24, 2016

Blog Entry #7: 15 things I learned while being 15

My birthday just finished!!! OH MY GOD. Can you believe it? It feels like only a few days ago when I made this blog post about my fifteenth birthday and noooowww!!! HAHA.

But anyways, 2015-2016 has been such a big eye-opener to me. I've learned a lot of things and changed some of my big negative attitudes into somehowーpositive ones. And as a birthday treat, I've decided to share 15 of them to all of you. I hope it helps you just as much as it helped and still is helping right now.

1.ALWAYS be positive.
I know it's hard. Believe me, I'm one of those people who always assumes the worst in literally everything. But, I've learned that there is nothing wrong with being positive and with trying to see & hope for the best in everything. So, really. Try it! Try to just look at the bright sides even in the hardest situation. Look for a silver lining. Be positive!

2. Allow yourself to make mistakes.
As a big perfectionist, this was of course extremely hard for me. I mean, especially if you're avoiding it! This year though, I've kind of just let it happen you know? I've finally allowed myself to make mistakes. To not make everything perfect. And it felt really great. Like, everything's so easy because admit it, no one pressures you more than you pressure yourself. But making mistakes is something you just can't avoid so just let it happen. Accept & learn from it.

3. Love yourself.
So you probably think that this is some kind of Justin Bieber song huh? Haha! But seriously, learn how to love yourself. Genuinely. Care for yourself just as how you care for all those people that you love. You are just as important as themーor even more. So, do it. Because honestly, you are the only one who can truly understand yourself. You're the only one who's there for you at 3 AM when you're sad and everything just keeps on falling apart. You're the only one who can fill certain holes in your heart so love yourself in the realest way you can.

4. Don't be afraid of change,
There was always a part of me that's always been afraid of change. I started my 10th grade at my new senior high school this year and I was terrified at first. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's a new school. You never know what to expect. God, you don't even know anyone. But turns out, I'd be enjoying it. Yes, I don't have much friends but everything there is just lowkey you know? You can do whatever you want and not feel like you are being judged. That's such a great feeling.

5. Be a little more kind than the usual.
This world right now definitely needs more kindness and so if you can be a little more kind than the usual, why not? You can help people in every little way possible. You never know how something small for you, means a lot to other people so don't be afraid to help someone out. It costs nothing to be kind, right?

6. Give people chance.
This might just be one of the most biggest lessons I've learned while I'm 15. Admit it, we all judge people so quickly. We all create those little versions of them in our mind and that keeps us from getting to know who they really are or giving them a chance. But I learned to give peopleーand myself, a chance to understand each other. It's actually exciting and fun. Especially when the little versions that you created in your mind turns out to be the complete opposite of who they really are! Give people a chance and they might surprise you. ;)

7. Make friends with people who are not your age.
I think most of my "friends" right now are not my age. Lol. I've got young friends up to seniors! Well, they're absolutely not that many because I'm kind of introverted but my little circle of friends are not compose of people my age, they're mixed. One good thing from that is you'll learn a lot from them. Like, from some of the adult to senior friends of mine right now really helps me to understand life more. They also helps me with my studies and my future. They have experiences that you haven't experienced yet and they give you advice about it. Guaranteed, you'll learn a lot from them!

8. Distance does not matter in friendships.
I have been in a long distance friendship with approx. 3-4 persons and oh my god are they the truest of them all. Haha! They'll probably read this (or else they're NOT really friends jk). Seriously though, They understand me when I do not even understand myself. And they are there for me when I need them the most. They're very much more present than the ones I get to be with physically. (Ohh that subtle shading. HAHA!) I am very thankful for all of them. They have helped me in ways they cannot even imagine. :)

9. Cooking is easy!
HAHAHA I'm sorry. I just felt like we're too serious and that you might be getting bored already but this is actually one of the discoveries about myself that I've learned this year. I thought I could only fry things up but not anymore for I have already cooked various of Filipino dishes & pastas. YAY ME!

10. It's important to have an inspiration.
An inspiration doesn't necessarily means that it has to be a boy. It can be your family, your friend or even the artist/band you idolize. Doesn't matter, really. What matters is that you have one. You can go and do something but without that inspiration? It'll almost feel like you're doing it wrongly. And it's difficult! So go on and find your inspiration.

11. Motivate yourself.
When there's no one to motivate you, don't worry. You've got yourself. You can motivate yourself. Believe me, I've been doing that for these past few months and it is helpful. It doesn't always have to be someone else. You yourself can do it. ;)

12. Forgive yourself and others.
I've come to a point where before the day ends, I make sure that I know in myself that I have forgiven those people who have wronged me earlier that day. It's just easier, you know? To sleep. To relax. It puts me in peace knowing that I've already forgiven them.

13.  Try to always be there for your siblings.
I'm the eldest and I have two younger brothers who can both be very sweet & mean & naughty at the same time. But they make me laugh. ALWAYS. And there are also moments when I feel like I'm just too old to play with them or something but then it also hits me that it's kind of like a sister's job to be with them and help them and teach them. It's very rewarding when you're brothers come to you for help or something. I always get that warm feeling in my heart.

14. Be comfortable being alone.
I LOVE my alone time. You don't even know.I mean, it might have something to do with the fact that I am an introvert. But there's just something about it you know? Being comfortable with yourself's company? It's great! Because at some point, you just gotta be independent. Seeing different things alone. Experiencing things alone. It's not sad. Don' listen to them. Sometimes, it is just exactly what you need.

15. Sleep is a must!
So I'm gonna take off now, bye! 

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