Saturday, June 16, 2018

Blog Post #13: Hair Makeover


SOOOOO, I can't recall how many times I've told my self that I should really get my hair colored but  somehow it never really did happen until now.

I know it isn't that much big of deal for other but it is for me. Any firsts are a big deal right? 

Aside from the color, It also took a lot of thinking and deliberating whether I should get bangs again or not since I sort of have this love-hate relationship with it. 

But as you can see both happened! 
Ah, the miracles of almost a whole year deliberation. 

This is Mami. She was the one who did my hair cut and color. She was really helpful so thank you, Mami!

I got my hair done at Hair Happiness Salon and their services were really awesome! 
Fun fact: The cafe that I'm working at and this salon has the same awesome owner.

Biases aside, I really found my trip to the salon incredibly relaxing. I haven't gone to a salon in over a year which is why my hair was super long before and they were really accommodating. Plus, you also get discounted drinks while waiting to get your hair done because the cafe is literally next door. Seriously, what more can you ask for?

When your hair is too thick that it actually takes two people
to blow dry your hair. Hi Aki & Mami!

Aaaaaand this is it! 
(I know I don't look like it, but I'm really happy about the outcome.)

Anyway, I really love my new hair. It almost feels like a new me. LOL!

So that's one thing I finally decided to do. Is there anything you've been thinking about doing for a long time but was too scared to go through it?
My advice? Just do it.

Oh, wait. Hmm, I think that's actually Nike's advice....oh well.

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